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Florida's Emmitt Smith (NFL Hall of Famer) is snagged by Vandy's Renford Reese inside the Vandy 10-yard line.

Renford Reese, shown running
down a Duke tailback, moves from
safety to cornerback this season.

Vanderbilt cornerback Renford Reese
breaks up a pass attempt to Tennessee
receiver, Alvin Harper.

Vandy's Renford Reese brings down Alabama's Heisman Trophy candidate, Bobby Humphrey.

Renford Reese presented with the "Defensive Back of the Year" Award at Vandy

Reese traveled back to Nashville for Vandy's Music City Bowl in 2012 and Vandy's Compass Bowl in 2014 (photo with former teammates).

Dr. Reese played intramural football for 15 years at Cal Poly Pomona with students. He was
the quarterback and the coach. His teams won 5 CPP championships and one National Invitational Championship over the years.
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