Reese, R. "Dr. Boris E. Ricks: A Champion of Black Los Angeles," Los Angeles Sentinel, September 12, 2024.
Reese, R. "Norman Lear should be remembered as an American Entertainment and Racial Justice Icon, Los Angeles Daily News,
The Orange County Register, December 6, 2023.
Reese, R. "Trumps Ignites Consciousness of Black Pro Athletes," The Los Angeles Daily News, September 26, 2017.
Reese, R., "Trump's Failure of Moral Leadership is Consequential," The Daily Bulletin, August 17, 2017.
Reese, R. "Could Obama have gotten away with Trump's Actions?" The Daily Bulletin, June 16, 2017.
Reese, R. "Trump's Magic Show is Over," The San Bernardino County Sun, November 14, 2016.
Reese, R. "Republicans Created Trump,Their Albatross," The Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2016.
Reese, R. "Barack Obama ranks among the best 5 U.S. Presidents," The Daily Bulletin, February 12, 2016.
Reese, R. "Some Ugly Truths Keeping Martin Luther King's Dream Still a Dream," The Daily Bulletin, January 16, 2015.
Reese, R. "America's Experiment with Racial Equality has Failed," San Gabriel Valley Tribune, August 31, 2014.
Reese, R. "Donald Sterling Incident: Racism and Elitism," Los Angeles Daily News, April 28, 2014.
Reese, R. "Richard Sherman Incident: Criticize, but Without Racial Stereotyping," Los Angeles Daily News, January 23, 2014.

"12 Years a Slave" Wins 86th Oscar for Best Film.
Reese, R. "12 Years a Slave: Yesterday and Today," Los Angeles Daily News, October 28, 2013.
Reese, R. "Nelson Mandela: A Portrait of Great Leadership," Los Angeles Daily News, December 6, 2013.
Reese, R. "Double Tragedy of Trayvon Martin Case," Los Angeles Daily News, July 15, 2013.
Reese, R. "42: The Great Legacy of Jackie Robinson," Los Angeles Daily News, April 30, 2013.
Reese, R. "President Obama as Django," Ontario Daily News, February 18, 2013.
Reese, R. "King would be Proud if we used our Transformative Powers for Good: Opinion," Los Angeles Daily News/Pasadena Star-News, January 18, 2013.
Reese, R. "GOP Extremism Killed Romney's Chances, Professor Writes," Los Angeles Daily News, November 6, 2012.
Reese, R. "What if Obama had Romney's Profile?" Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/San Bernardino Sun, September 18, 2012.
Reese, R. "How the London Olympics will help Obama get Re-elected," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/San Bernardino Sun, August 15, 2012.
Reese, R. "A Template for Great Fatherhood," Inland Valley Bulletin/The San Bernardino County Sun, June 17, 2012.
Reese, R. "King Would Be Disappointed in the U.S." Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/The San Bernardino County Sun, January 13, 2012.
Reese, R. "The Deficit, Taxes, and Politics," The San Bernardino County Sun, August 18, 2011.
Reese, R. "Republicans Having Identity Crisis," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/San Bernardino County Sun, May 27, 2011.
Reese, R."Obama's Masterful Chess Game," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/San Bernardino County Sun, December 25, 2010.
Reese, R. "Politics of Hate Undermine Democracy," The Los Angeles Daily News, July 23, 2010.
Reese, R. "The Health Care Bill and Democracy," The Los Angeles Daily News, March 23, 2010.
Reese, R. "Ted Kennedy: Civil Rights Icon who put the People First," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, August 30, 2009.
Reese, R. "Obama Makes Gates-Crowley Old News," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, July 31, 2009.
Reese, R. "Obama Wrong Not to Lionize Jackson," San Bernardino County Sun; Inland Daily Bulletin, July 1, 2009.
Reese, R. "Inauguration Embodies U.S. Ideals," San Bernardino County Sun; Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, January 21, 2009.
Reese, R. "Obama's Win Reflects Nation's Good, Bad," San Bernardino County Sun; Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, December 18, 2008.
Reese, R. "The Meaning of Obama's Victory," San Bernardino County Sun; Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, November 9, 2008.
Reese, R. "Once Beloved, Clinton now Manages to Alienate Blacks," San Bernardino County Sun; Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, January 31, 2008.
Reese, R. "Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice Not in Black Leadership Tradition," Inland Valley Bulletin, January 14, 2007, A17.
Reese, R. "Vick's Actions Reflect a Valueless Society," San Bernardino County Sun; Inland Valley Bulletin, August 30, 2007, A2.
Reese, R. "The NAACP Forgives Bush," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, July 23, 2006, A20.
Reese, R. "Politics of Self Interest in Corrections System," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, March 12, 2006, A15.
Reese, R. "MLK Jr., Tookie Williams: Kindred Spirits?" Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, January 8, 2006, A15.
Reese, R. "NBA Dress Code: Rebels Can Learn Something from Old Role Models," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, December 4, 2005, A14.
Reese, R. "Bush Should Show Leadership on Race Issues," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, October 30, 2005, A15.
Reese, R. "We Still Can't All Get Along," Los Angeles Times, March 3, 2001, B9.
Reese, R. "Memories of Injustice Stir Protests," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, May 16, 1999, B5; San Gabriel Valley Tribune, June 17, 1999, A18.
Reese, R. "Jesse Jackson: Unsung American Hero," The Poly Post, May 11, 1999, A9; Inland Valley News, May 20, 1999, p.3.
Reese, R., “Clinton's Problems, Empathy Binds African Americans to Him,” Ontario Daily Bulletin, November 22, 1998, B5.
Reese, R., “Political Soul Searching: Republican Dilemmas,” Inland Valley News, CA, November 15, 1998, p.2.
Reese, R., “Racism or Not Sometimes It's Not Easy to Know for Certain,” Ontario Daily Bulletin, March 24, 1998, B5.
Reese, R., “Report Shows That Even the Swiss Have Problems,”Ontario Daily Bulletin, March 18, 1997, B6.
Reese, R. (2024). Violence in America: From a Criminal's Perspective, R-Cubed Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
Reese, R. (2023). Earnest Reese: A Pioneer Journalist, R-Cubed Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
Reese, R. (2018). 100 Countries: A Travel Guide, R-Cubed Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
Reese, R. (2017). The Failed Experiment, R-Cubed Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
Reese, R. (2016). The Wrong Argument, R-Cubed Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
Reese, R. (2016). The Prison-to-School Pipeline, R-Cubed Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
Reese, R. (2007). American Bravado, Inkwater Press, Portland, OR
Reese, R. (2006). Prison Race, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC
Reese, R. (2005). Leadership in the LAPD: Walking the Tightrope, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC
Reese, R. (2004). American Paradox: Young Black Men, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC
Reese, R. (2010). Hong Kong Nights, Darby.
Children's Book
Reese, R. (2010). Popjack Chameleon, R-Cubed Publishing, Los Angeles, CA
Book Reviews
Reese, R. Review of Kate Dossett's Bridging Race Divides: Black Nationalism, Feminism, and Integration in the United States, 1896-1935, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 269 pages, Western Journal of Black Studies, Volume 33, 2 (October 2009).
Reese, R., Review of Daniel Kryder's Divided Arsenal: Race and the American State During World War II (2000), Oxford University Press in Ethic Conflict Digest ( February 2001).
Reese, R. Review of Stephen Macedo's Diversity and Distrust: Civic Education in a Multicultural Democracy (2000), Harvard University Press in American Political Science Review, volume 95, p.795 (September 2001).
Essays on International Experiences
Reese, R. "Ghana Study Abroad: students experience cultural rewards and personal enlightenment," Global Cal Poly Pomona, 2007-2008.
Reese, R. Council for International Education Exchange Newsletter, "Post-Mandela South Africa," December 2000, Cape Town, South Africa.
Magazine Article Interview
Jones, Jason. "Twenty Years Later, the Menacing Energy of Training Day Still Reverberates," The Athletic, October 5, 2021. Article
Scholarly Journal Articles
Reese, R. and Tracie, R. (2024). "Teaching Shakespeare in Prison," Journal of Prison Education and Reentry, Volume 8, Issue 1, Abstract (Fall).
Reese, R. "The Unintended Consequences of the NCAA College Athletics Transfer Portal," Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, Volume 2, Issue 1, December 2023. Paper.
Reese, R. "The Life and Legacy of Kobe Bryant: Reflections from Cal Poly Pomona," Journal of African American Studies, June 2021.
Reese, R. "The Reintegration Academy for Parolees," Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 0(0) 1-25, Fall 2020. Paper
Reese, R. “The Prison Education Project in Scotland,” Journal of Prison Education and Reentry, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2020. Abstract
Reese, R. "The Prison Education Project," International Review of Education, Vol. 65, pp.1-23, Fall 2017. Abstract.
Reese, R. "The Lack of Political of Political Activism Among Today's Black Athletes," Journal of Higher Education, Athletics, and Innovation, Volume 1, Issue 2, Summer 2017. Abstract
Reese, R. "The Lessons Learned from Implementing the Prison Education Project," Spectrum, Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 2017.
Reese, R. "Rwanda's Paul Kagame as Machiavelli's Prince," Journal of Diplomacy and International Affairs, (107) Spring 2014 Abstract, Article
Reese, R. "The Summer Youth Reintegration Academy," Spectrum," Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2014. Introduction.
Reese, R. "The Linguistic Manifestations of Oppression: The African American Experience," French Review: Droite et Culture (Law and Culture), Issue 63, Number 1, June 2012, Article.
Reese, R. "The Olympic Ideals and the Multiple Agendas of the Games," paper presentation at the 2000 North American Society for Sport History Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, revised for the Journal of International Sport (London), Volume 34, Number 1, April 2012. Abstract
Reese, R. "The End of the Road: Canada as Refuge for U.S. Slaves," paper presentation 2008 Canadian Studies Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland May 2-3, revised for the Western Journal of Black Studies, "Canada: The Promised Land for U.S. Slaves," September 2011, Volume 35.5, pp.208-217. Abstract
Mio, Jeffery Scott, Ronald Riggio, Shana Levin, and Renford Reese (2005) "Presidential Leadership and Charisma: The Effects of Metaphor," The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 16, Issue 2 (April).
Reese, R. "Noble Principles, Ignoble Practices: Race and the U.S. Criminal Justice System," Perspectives, (Spring 2004).
Reese, R. "The Multiple Causes of the LAPD Rampart Scandal,"presented at the 2002 American Society for Public Administration Conference (March), Phoenix, AZ, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, volume 16, Fall 2003.
Reese, R. "Whistleblowing into a Tangled Web: Serpico, LA Confidential, and LAPD Rampart," Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, volume 9, issue 2, March 2002.
Reese, R. "Criminal Justice and Social Injustice: African American Men in the U.S.," Journal of Ethics and Justice, volume 3, number 2, November 2001.
Reese, R. "Building Cultural Bridges in Schools: The Colorful Flags Model," Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Education, volume 4, number 3, September 2001.
Reese, R., "The Rise and Fall of a Public Leader: The Case of Willie Williams and the LAPD," Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, volume 6, number 1, Summer/Fall 2000.
Reese, R., “From the Fringe: Hip Hop Culture and Ethnic Relations,” Popular Culture Review, volume XI, no.2, Summer 2000.
Reese, R., “The Socio-Political Context of the Integration of Sport in America,” Journal of African American Men, volume 4, number 3, Spring 1999.
Reese, R., "Language Diversity and the Politics of the English Only Movement in the U.S." Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, volume 5, number 2, Winter 1999.
Reese, R., “Distance and Mediated Learning: An Essay From Experience,” Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, volume 11, Fall 1998.
Reese, R., "A Critique of Passive Cultural Learning Methodologies," International Education Electronic Journal, volume 2, number 1, March, 1998.
Reese, R.,“Colorful Flags: A New Approach to Bridging Cultural Differences: The Proactive-Interactive Approach,” Multicultural Review, volume 6, number 2, June, 1997. Abstract